Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Strawberry Shortcake

Needless to say, quite a lot of things had transpired.

There was a even a time when I was on the verge of ditching this blog because of a serious…er…whatever. But then, my connection wouldn’t budge that time so my impulsiveness lost by default.

I’ve been contemplating on whether I will keep this blog or get a new one for my own viewing pleasure only – but still I haven’t decided on anything.

Graduation, Overnight Stay, Graduation Ball – all finished. I’m loving summer already. I’ve been waiting for hot, lazy summer afternoons for ages.

I didn’t cry in Graduation and even in Graduation Ball. I’m not wondering why – I know exactly what the reason is. I guess I just hate my politically-damned school so much it overpowered other emotions. I guess my senior life wasn’t really that happy – I was itching to leave it behind.

Besides, I chose to believe that I’m not really parting ways with my friends. I will never let that happen. By all means, I will reach out to them.

But the overnight stay…it’s a different matter.

The night had been frustrating. Nevertheless, the company of my friends cheered me up a good deal – but not that enough, I'm sorry. On top of it all, I get somewhat interrupted by my phone every now and then. I was surprised they noticed the lie-low on my spirits - I so love you, guys.

The Graduation Ball…hmmm…it somehow made up for the last days prior to the event. I was happy that night – a lot of revelations from people – things people say when they know they have nothing more to lose or they won’t have a chance to say it again.

So isn’t it obvious I’m holding back myriad things to say?


Financial crisis.

Things are getting better now, fortunately.

Doesn’t she understand that what she wants me to do will be unhealthy for me?

There are some things that I just need to go on everyday.

The distance will kill me.


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